Use the ratio 1 liter is equal to approximately 2.1 pints. How many pints are equal to 10 ers

To find out how many pints are equal to 10 liters, we can use the given ratio of 1 liter equals approximately 2.1 pints.

First, multiply 10 liters by 2.1 pints/liter:
10 liters * 2.1 pints/liter = 21 pints

Therefore, 10 liters is equal to approximately 21 pints.

In order to determine how many pints are equal to 10 ers, we'll need some more information about what an "er" is. Could you please provide more details or clarify what you mean by "er"?

To find out how many pints are equal to 10 ers using the given ratio, you'll need to determine the conversion factor between liters and ers. Unfortunately, you haven't provided the conversion factor between liters and ers.

If you can provide the conversion factor between liters and ers, I would be happy to help you convert 10 ers into pints.