A team member is from New York City, so you naturally assume that he does not know much about agriculture.



Don't make assumptions
Don't make assumptions

Avoid gossip
Avoid gossip

Be tolerant

Be tolerant

Be tolerant. It is essential to remember that people's backgrounds and knowledge can vary, regardless of where they are from. Making assumptions about someone's expertise based on their hometown can be unfair and disrespectful. Instead of assuming, it is always better to approach and work with others with an open mind and without preconceived notions.

It's important to remember not to make assumptions about someone's knowledge or abilities based solely on where they come from. Making assumptions can lead to misunderstandings and unfair treatment. Instead, it's better to approach each team member with an open mind and treat them based on their individual capabilities and skills. By being tolerant and avoiding gossip, we create a more inclusive and respectful team environment.