In 3–5 sentences, identify which words in the letter below helped to create a positive tone. Be sure to also explain how you felt that word helped to create the positive tone. Support your answer with examples from the letter.The current state of Castle Park is a place of admiration in our community. Ten years ago, community groups came together to give our children a safe place to play. Today, the wooden structure stands strong, the chains on the swing sets get a brand new replacement, and the space looks and feels clean. The atmosphere is electric with laughter and screams of excitement. It is safe, clean, and functional. With the city council's help, we would like to keep Castle Park a thriving playground for our children.

The words "admiration," "safe," "clean," "electric," "excitement," "thriving," and "help" help to create a positive tone in the letter.

The word "admiration" helps to create a positive tone by highlighting that the current state of Castle Park is highly regarded and respected in the community.

The words "safe" and "clean" also contribute to the positive tone by indicating that Castle Park is well-maintained and provides a secure environment for children to play.

The word "electric" evokes a sense of energy and liveliness, which adds to the positive atmosphere of the park.

The word "excitement" further enhances the positive tone by suggesting that children have fun and enjoyable experiences at the park.

The word "thriving" indicates that the park is successful and prosperous, emphasizing its positive impact on the community.

Finally, the word "help" conveys a collaborative and supportive tone, showing that the community is willing to work with the city council to maintain and improve Castle Park.

The words "admiration," "safe," "clean," "strong," "electric," "excitement," and "thriving" contribute to creating a positive tone in the letter. These words evoke positive feelings and emphasize the positive aspects of Castle Park. For example, the word "admiration" portrays the park as a place that is highly regarded and respected by the community. The word "safe" assures readers that the park provides a secure environment for children. The word "clean" suggests that the park is well-maintained and pleasant. The word "strong" indicates the durability and resilience of the park's wooden structure. The word "electric" conveys an atmosphere of energy and enthusiasm. The word "excitement" implies that the park is a place where children can have fun and enjoy themselves. The word "thriving" reflects the desire to maintain and further develop the park's positive state.

The words in the letter that help create a positive tone are "admiration," "safe," "clean," "electric," "excitement," and "thriving."

The word "admiration" conveys a sense of respect and appreciation, implying that the community holds the current state of Castle Park in high regard. This creates a positive tone by showing that the park is held in high esteem by the community.

The words "safe" and "clean" emphasize that the park provides a secure and hygienic environment for children to play. These words contribute to a positive tone by assuring the reader that Castle Park is well-maintained, giving a sense of security and cleanliness.

The word "electric" conveys a lively and energetic atmosphere at the park. It suggests that the park is vibrant and full of activity. This creates a positive tone by evoking a sense of excitement and fun.

The word "thriving" implies that Castle Park is flourishing and successful. It suggests that the park is not only in good condition but also continuously improving. This word contributes to a positive tone by indicating that Castle Park is a thriving and vibrant playground for children.

Overall, these words contribute to a positive tone by highlighting the positive aspects of Castle Park, such as its admired state, safety, cleanliness, energetic atmosphere, and the desire to keep it thriving.