Nosotros ________ en la oficina de la escuela.

Fill in the blank.

Nosotros ________ en la oficina de la escuela.






The correct answer is "estamos".

To properly fill in the blank, you need to choose the correct form of the verb "estar" (to be) to match the subject "nosotros" (we).

In this case, the correct form is "estamos."

To come to this conclusion, you need to remember that "nosotros" is a pronoun that means "we." In Spanish, verb conjugations change depending on the pronoun.

The verb "estar" is irregular, meaning it does not follow the regular conjugation pattern. The "we" form of "estar" is "estamos."

To conjugate "estar" in the present tense, you remove the "ar" ending and add "amos" to the stem "est-."

So, the correct answer is "estamos."