Which legislation gave large grants of land to states to establish agricultural colleges?

(1 point)

Public Education Act
Public Education Act

Homestead Act
Homestead Act

Morrill Acts
Morrill Acts

Land Compromise A

The correct answer is the Morrill Acts.

The legislation that gave large grants of land to states to establish agricultural colleges is the Morrill Acts.

The legislation that gave large grants of land to states to establish agricultural colleges is the Morrill Acts.

To find the answer to this question, you could start by researching historical legislation related to the establishment of agricultural colleges and grants of land. One effective method is to use search engines to look up information about legislation that provided land grants for agricultural colleges. By entering keywords such as "legislation," "land grants," and "agricultural colleges," you can find relevant information about the Morrill Acts and how they facilitated the establishment of these colleges. Additionally, you could consult reputable educational resources, books, or academic articles on the topic. These sources should provide you with the necessary information about the Morrill Acts and their role in distributing land grants for agricultural colleges.