Which of the following BEST summarizes the factor motivating suburbanization in developed countries?

(1 point)

expanding urban territory

expanding urban territory

increasing employment opportunities

increasing employment opportunities

desire to change lifestyle

desire to change lifestyle

regional development

regional development

global investment

expanding urban territory

The factor motivating suburbanization in developed countries can be summarized as the desire to change lifestyle.

The best summary of the factor motivating suburbanization in developed countries is the "desire to change lifestyle." To arrive at this answer, first, let's analyze each of the given options.

1. "Expanding urban territory": This choice doesn't capture the motivation behind suburbanization. While suburbanization does contribute to the expansion of urban territory, it doesn't explain why people choose to move to suburbs.

2. "Increasing employment opportunities": Although job opportunities might be a factor in people's decision to move to suburbs, it is not the primary motivation. Employment opportunities can be found in both urban and suburban areas.

3. "Desire to change lifestyle": This choice accurately reflects one of the main motivations for suburbanization. Many people prefer the quieter, more spacious, and family-friendly environment offered by suburbs, which contrasts with the hustle and bustle of urban areas.

4. "Regional development": While regional development might indirectly contribute to suburbanization, it is not the main motivating factor. Regional development encompasses a wide range of factors that promote the growth and advancement of an area.

5. "Global investment": This option is not related to the motivation behind suburbanization. Global investment refers to investments made by foreign entities in different countries' economies. It doesn't explain why individuals choose to move to suburbs.

Based on the analysis, the best summary of the factor motivating suburbanization in developed countries is the "desire to change lifestyle."