what is 5.875 as a mixed fraction

To convert 5.875 into a mixed fraction, we can use the following steps:

Step 1: Determine the whole number part:
Since 5 is the nearest whole number to 5.875, the whole number part is 5.

Step 2: Determine the fraction part:
Since the decimal part of 5.875 is 0.875, we have 875 as the numerator of the fraction part. The denominator is determined by the decimal place value, which is 1000 (since there are three digits to the right of the decimal point).

Step 3: Simplify the fraction, if possible:
To simplify the fraction, we can divide both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 125.

875 divided by 125 is equal to 7, and 1000 divided by 125 is equal to 8.

So, the fraction part is 7/8.

Combining the whole number part and the fraction part, we get the mixed fraction:

5 + 7/8

Therefore, 5.875 as a mixed fraction is 5 and 7/8.

To convert the decimal number 5.875 to a mixed fraction, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the decimal number as a fraction by placing it over a power of 10. Since there are three decimal places in 5.875, we will put it over 1000.

5.875 = 5.875 / 1

Step 2: Simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD). In this case, there is no common divisor other than 1.

5.875 / 1 = 5875 / 1000

Step 3: Reduce the fraction to its simplest form. Divide both the numerator and denominator by their common factor, which in this case is 125.

5875 / 1000 = 47 / 8

Step 4: Now, express the fraction as a mixed number by performing long division. Divide the numerator (47) by the denominator (8).

8 | 47

So, the mixed fraction is 5 and 7/8.

To convert a decimal number to a mixed fraction, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the whole number part.
In this case, the whole number part is 5.

Step 2: Identify the fractional part.
The fractional part is the decimal value after the decimal point, which is 0.875.

Step 3: Convert the fractional part to a fraction.
Since we have three decimal places after the decimal point (0.875), the denominator will be 1000 (10 raised to the power of the number of decimal places). The numerator will be the decimal value (875) without the decimal point.

So, 0.875 can be written as 875/1000.

Step 4: Simplify the fraction, if possible.
In this case, we can simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 125.

875/1000 simplifies to 7/8.

Step 5: Combine the whole number and the simplified fraction.
The mixed fraction form is obtained by combining the whole number with the simplified fraction.

In this case, 5.875 can be written as 5 7/8.