What type of migration pattern occurs when workers temporarily move to another country for seasonal jobs, and then return home?(1 point) Responses permanent migration permanent migration internal migration internal migration circular migration circular migration diaspora

circular migration

The type of migration pattern that occurs when workers temporarily move to another country for seasonal jobs, and then return home is called circular migration.

The type of migration pattern that occurs when workers temporarily move to another country for seasonal jobs and then return home is called circular migration.

Circular migration is a migratory pattern in which individuals or workers move between two or more countries on a seasonal or temporary basis. This type of migration is often driven by economic factors, as individuals seek better employment opportunities or higher wages in another country during certain seasons or periods. These workers typically return to their home country after completing their work or job contracts.

To find the answer to this question, you could have first understood the concept of different migration patterns. Then, you could have researched or studied the characteristics of each type of migration pattern mentioned (permanent migration, internal migration, circular migration, and diaspora). By understanding the definition and characteristics of each type, you would have been able to identify that circular migration is the appropriate term for workers temporarily moving to another country for seasonal jobs and then returning home.