According to the map, the decade that witnessed the least movement of the United States’ center of population was the

(1 point)










According to the given response options, the decade that witnessed the least movement of the United States' center of population is the:


To determine the decade that witnessed the least movement of the United States' center of population according to the map, we can look at the provided options:

1. 1810s.
2. 1830s.
3. 1820s.
4. 1920s.
5. 1950s.

The correct answer is the 1820s.

To determine the decade that witnessed the least movement of the United States' center of population, we can refer to historical data and analyze the population distribution over time. One way to obtain this information is by utilizing the United States Census Bureau's data on the population center.

To find the specific data, you can visit the official website of the United States Census Bureau ( or search for reliable sources that provide historical population data. The Census Bureau, being the official source, is a trusted repository of population information.

Once you have obtained the required data, you can compare the population center's movement for each decade. Look for the information that indicates the shift in the geographic center of the population from one decade to another. By analyzing this migration pattern over different periods, you can identify the decade that witnessed the least movement.

In this case, you need to compare the population center for the decades mentioned in the question: the 1810s, 1820s, 1830s, 1920s, and 1950s. Analyze the data by finding the geographic center for each decade and identifying any significant movement or lack thereof.

It's important to note that 1950s is unlikely to be the correct answer since the mid-20th century witnessed significant population shifts due to various factors, such as suburbanization and the post-World War II baby boom.

By reviewing the historical data and comparing the population centers for each decade mentioned in the question, you can determine the correct answer.