Which of the following would be an example of the secondary source is it diary or biography, a letter or an interview?

The secondary source in this case would be a biography.

Out of the options given, a biography would be an example of a secondary source. A biography is written about someone's life by another person, using primary and secondary sources to gather information. Diaries, letters, and interviews are considered primary sources as they are personal accounts or firsthand information.

To determine whether a source is primary or secondary, you need to consider the characteristics of each type.

A primary source is a firsthand account or original material created or produced at the time of the event under study. Examples of primary sources include diaries, letters, interviews, photographs, speeches, and original research articles.

On the other hand, a secondary source is an interpretation or analysis of primary sources. It is created after the time period being studied and often provides a perspective or commentary on the primary sources. Examples of secondary sources include books, journal articles, documentaries, and biographies.

Now, let's apply this knowledge to the options you provided.

- A diary would be considered a primary source since it is a personal account written by an individual at the time of the events.

- A biography, while it may reference primary sources, is considered a secondary source as it provides an interpretation and analysis of the subject's life based on various primary sources and secondary research.

- A letter can be either a primary or secondary source, depending on the context. If the letter was written at the time of the events and provides firsthand information, it would be considered a primary source. However, if the letter is a later correspondence discussing or analyzing past events, it would be considered a secondary source.

- An interview can also be either a primary or secondary source, depending on the context. If the interview was conducted with a witness or participant of the events being discussed, and the information obtained is firsthand and contemporary, then it would be considered a primary source. However, if the interview is conducted years later, and the subject is reflecting on past events, it would be considered a secondary source.

In conclusion, diary and interview can be both primary and secondary sources depending on the context, while biography and letter are typically considered secondary sources.