Which phrase describes a nuclear chain reaction?(1 point)Responsesa series of reactions in which particles from one reaction trigger the next reactiona series of reactions in which particles from one reaction trigger the next reactiona reaction in which small nuclei combine into a larger nucleusa reaction in which small nuclei combine into a larger nucleusa type of reaction which only takes place in the sun and other starsa type of reaction which only takes place in the sun and other starsa reaction in which particles spontaneously emit radiationa reaction in which particles spontaneously emit radiation

A series of reactions in which particles from one reaction trigger the next reaction

The phrase that describes a nuclear chain reaction is: "A series of reactions in which particles from one reaction trigger the next reaction."

The correct phrase that describes a nuclear chain reaction is "a series of reactions in which particles from one reaction trigger the next reaction."

To solve this question, you need to understand the concept of a nuclear chain reaction. A nuclear chain reaction occurs when one nuclear reaction triggers a subsequent reaction, which in turn triggers another reaction, and so on, creating a chain-like sequence of reactions.

In this scenario, the chain reaction is initiated by a particle, such as a neutron, colliding with a nucleus, causing it to split and release more neutrons. These newly released neutrons then collide with other nuclei, continuing the chain of reactions. This process releases a significant amount of energy, as each split nucleus releases more neutrons, resulting in a rapid increase in reactions.

Therefore, the correct description of a nuclear chain reaction is "a series of reactions in which particles from one reaction trigger the next reaction."