Which step in photosynthesis does not need light?(1 point)ResponsesWater splits into hydrogen and oxygen.Water splits into hydrogen and oxygen.Carbon dioxide and hydrogen combine to make glucose.Carbon dioxide and hydrogen combine to make glucose.Chlorophyll absorbs energy.Chlorophyll absorbs energy.Oxygen is released.

Water splits into hydrogen and oxygen.

The step in photosynthesis that does not need light is when water splits into hydrogen and oxygen.

The step in photosynthesis that does not require light is when water splits into hydrogen and oxygen. This process is called photolysis, and it involves the breaking down of water molecules into hydrogen ions (H+) and oxygen gas (O2). This step occurs in a portion of the photosynthetic process known as the light-dependent reactions, which primarily take place in the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts. The energy to split the water molecules comes from the absorption of light by chlorophyll pigments, but no light is needed for the actual splitting of water molecules. Therefore, the correct answer is "Water splits into hydrogen and oxygen."