Which of the following is an example of a primary source?(1 point)


a history textbook
a history textbook

an eyewitness interview
an eyewitness interview

a biography of a historical figure
a biography of a historical figure

an encyclopedia article

an eyewitness interview

The correct answer is "an eyewitness interview." An eyewitness interview is considered a primary source because it provides first-hand accounts and personal experiences of an event or time period.

The example of a primary source among the given options is an eyewitness interview.

To determine this, you need to understand the definition of a primary source. A primary source is a firsthand or contemporary record or document that provides direct evidence or firsthand accounts of an event, topic, or time period.

In the case of an eyewitness interview, it involves getting information directly from someone who witnessed or experienced a particular event or time period. This makes it a primary source because it provides a firsthand account of the subject matter.

Conversely, a history textbook, a biography of a historical figure, and an encyclopedia article are examples of secondary sources. Secondary sources analyze and interpret primary sources, presenting the information in a condensed and synthesized form.