Compare these fractions. Use <, >, or =.

fraction numerator 8 over denominator 9 end fractionBlank Space __________ fraction numerator 5 over denominator 9 end fraction

The answer is 8/9 > 5/9.

To compare the fractions 8/9 and 5/9, we can look at their numerators.

Since 8 is greater than 5, we can say that 8/9 is greater than 5/9.

Therefore, we can use the > symbol to compare the two fractions.

8/9 > 5/9

To compare the fractions 8/9 and 5/9, we can look at their numerators (the numbers on top) and their denominators (the numbers on the bottom).

In this case, the numerators are 8 and 5, and the denominators are both 9.

Since the denominators are the same, we can compare the fractions based on their numerators.

Since 8 is greater than 5, we can conclude that 8/9 is greater than 5/9. Therefore, we can use the ">" symbol to compare the fractions.

So, the correct comparison is:

8/9 > 5/9