the nearest John Deere combine mechanics can Harvest 180 of Wheat and 6 hours how many how can be harvested in 10 hours

If a John Deere combine can harvest 180 acres of wheat in 6 hours, we can find the rate of harvesting per hour by dividing the total number of acres harvested by the number of hours: 180 acres / 6 hours = <<180/6=30>>30 acres/hour.

Therefore, in 10 hours, the John Deere combine can harvest: 30 acres/hour * 10 hours = <<30*10=300>>300 acres.

To find out how much wheat can be harvested in 10 hours using the nearest John Deere combine mechanics, we can use the concept of direct proportion.

- Harvesting capacity of 180 units of wheat in 6 hours.

To calculate the harvesting capacity in 10 hours, we can set up and solve a proportion:

Harvesting capacity in 6 hours / 6 hours = Harvesting capacity in 10 hours / 10 hours

180 units of wheat / 6 hours = x units of wheat / 10 hours

Cross-multiplying, we get:
180 * 10 = 6 * x

Simplifying the equation:
1800 = 6x

Dividing both sides by 6:
x = 300

Therefore, using the nearest John Deere combine mechanics, you can harvest 300 units of wheat in 10 hours.

To determine how much wheat can be harvested in 10 hours using the nearest John Deere combine mechanics, we need to find the harvesting rate of the machine.

- Harvesting rate: 180 wheat per 6 hours

To find the rate of harvesting per hour, we divide the wheat harvested by the number of hours:
Harvesting rate per hour = 180 wheat / 6 hours

Calculating the rate per hour:
Harvesting rate per hour = 30 wheat per hour

Now that we know the harvesting rate per hour, we can find how much wheat can be harvested in 10 hours by multiplying the rate per hour by the number of hours:
Wheat harvested in 10 hours = Harvesting rate per hour * 10 hours

Calculating the wheat harvested in 10 hours:
Wheat harvested in 10 hours = 30 wheat per hour * 10 hours

Therefore, the nearest John Deere combine mechanics can harvest 300 wheat in 10 hours.