2 About 4,000 new species of marine animals were discovered in the last 2 years. What is the unit rate of discovery?(1 point) Responses 2 years4,000 species Start Fraction 2 years over 4,000 species End Fraction 4,000 species2 years Start Fraction 4,000 species over 2 years End Fraction 2,000 speciesyear Start Fraction 2,000 species over year End Fraction 1 species2,000 years

3 Mario walked 3,600 steps in 24 hours yesterday. How many steps did he walk per hour?(1 point) steps/hour

The unit rate of discovery of new species is 2,000 species per year.

Mario walked 150 steps per hour.

To find the unit rate of discovery, divide the number of species (4,000) by the number of years (2).

Unit rate = 4,000 species / 2 years = 2,000 species/year.

Therefore, the unit rate of discovery is 2,000 species per year.

To find the number of steps Mario walked per hour, divide the total number of steps (3,600) by the number of hours (24).

Steps per hour = 3,600 steps / 24 hours = 150 steps/hour.

Therefore, Mario walked 150 steps per hour.

To find the unit rate, you need to divide the total quantity (in this case, the number of species discovered or the number of steps) by the total time period (in this case, the number of years or hours).

For example:

1. For the first question, you are given that 4,000 new species of marine animals were discovered in the last 2 years. To find the unit rate of discovery, you divide the total number of species (4,000) by the total number of years (2):

Unit rate = Total number of species / Total number of years
= 4,000 species / 2 years
= 2,000 species/year

Therefore, the unit rate of discovery is 2,000 species/year.

2. For the second question, you are told that Mario walked 3,600 steps in 24 hours yesterday. To find the steps per hour, you divide the total number of steps (3,600) by the total number of hours (24):

Steps per hour = Total number of steps / Total number of hours
= 3,600 steps / 24 hours
= 150 steps/hour

Therefore, Mario walked 150 steps per hour.