How many years did Sir Micheal Somare represent his electorate in the National Parliament?

Sir Michael Somare represented his electorate for a total of 49 years in the National Parliament of Papua New Guinea.

Sir Michael Somare represented his electorate in the National Parliament of Papua New Guinea for a total of 49 years.

To find out how many years Sir Michael Somare represented his electorate in the National Parliament, we can search for information about his political career. Sir Michael Somare was a Papua New Guinean politician who served as the first Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea from 1975 to 1980, and then again from 1982 to 1985, 2002 to 2010, and briefly in 2011. He represented the East Sepik Province's East Sepik Regional electorate.

To determine the number of years Sir Michael Somare represented his electorate, we need to calculate the total number of years he served as a member of the National Parliament during these periods. Let's do the math:

1. First term: 1975-1980 (5 years)
2. Second term: 1982-1985 (3 years)
3. Third term: 2002-2010 (8 years)
4. Fourth term: 2011 (brief period)

By adding up these terms, we can calculate the total number of years Sir Michael Somare represented his electorate in the National Parliament:

5 years + 3 years + 8 years + 1 year (2011) = 17 years

Therefore, Sir Michael Somare represented his electorate in the National Parliament for a total of 17 years.