The Call of the Wild quiz according to the call of the wild, a new lead dog book improved the solitary of the team. What does this mean

In the context of The Call of the Wild, the phrase "a new lead dog book improved the solitary of the team" does not make complete sense. It appears there may be a typographical error in the sentence. Could you provide the correct sentence or clarify the meaning you are trying to convey?

In the book "The Call of the Wild," when it is mentioned that a new lead dog improved the solidarity of the team, it means that adding the new lead dog to the team made the team more united and cohesive. The new lead dog likely brought a strong presence and leadership skills that helped to strengthen the bond among the dogs in the team. This improvement in solidarity among the dogs could have been reflected in their teamwork, communication, and overall performance as a sled dog team.

In order to understand the meaning of the phrase "a new lead dog book improved the solitary of the team" from the perspective of "The Call of the Wild," we can break it down into smaller pieces.

1. "The Call of the Wild": This is a novel written by Jack London, published in 1903. It tells the story of Buck, a domesticated dog who is forced to adapt to the harsh conditions of the Yukon during the Gold Rush.

2. Lead dog: In a sled dog team, the lead dog is the one at the front of the line. This dog guides the rest of the team and sets the pace.

3. Book: In the context of this question, the term "book" seems to be a typo or an error. We can assume it was meant to be "took."

4. Improved: To improve means to make something better or enhance its quality.

5. Solitary: This word seems to have been used incorrectly in the question. The intended word might be "solidarity." Solidarity refers to unity or cohesion within a group, where members work together for a common purpose.

Based on these interpretations, we can rephrase the statement as follows:

According to "The Call of the Wild," introducing a new lead dog to the team enhanced the unity or sense of togetherness among the sled dogs.

Please note that without more context or specific information from the book, this interpretation is based on common knowledge about sled dog teams and the role of the lead dog.