Another name of study of map

Another name for the study of maps is cartography.

Another name for the study of maps is Cartography. Cartography encompasses the creation, interpretation, analysis, and study of maps, including their design, production, and use. It involves various disciplines such as geography, geology, mathematics, spatial analysis, and graphic design. Cartographers collect, organize, and analyze geographical information to create accurate and visually clear representations of the Earth's surface.

Another name for the study of maps is "cartography". Cartography is the science and art of creating maps, analyzing spatial data, and representing geographical information in a visual format. It involves various techniques and tools to design, produce, and interpret maps for different purposes such as navigation, land management, urban planning, and more.

If you want to explore the field of cartography further, you can start by researching online or visiting libraries to find books and resources on the subject. There are also courses and degrees available that specialize in cartography, geography, or GIS (Geographic Information Systems), which is a related field that focuses on analyzing and managing geographic data using computer software and technology.