How do most students in Puerto Rico go to school?

(1 point)

They walk.
They walk.

They ride a bike.
They ride a bike.

They take a school bus.
They take a school bus.

They drive their own car.
They drive their own car.

They take public transportation.

They take public transportation.

Most students in Puerto Rico usually take a school bus to go to school.

To find information on how most students in Puerto Rico go to school, you can conduct online research or refer to official sources such as government websites, educational institutions, or educational statistics. Some resources that may provide relevant information include the Puerto Rico Department of Education, local news outlets, or educational surveys and reports.

Additionally, you can also reach out to people living in Puerto Rico or students themselves to gather information based on their personal experiences. This can be done through online forums, social media platforms, or by contacting local schools and educational organizations in Puerto Rico. Remember to verify the credibility of your sources and consider multiple perspectives before drawing any conclusions.