Which structure is the source of pollen and a plant

The source of pollen in a plant is the male reproductive structure called the stamen.

The structure of a plant that produces pollen is called the male reproductive organ, also known as the stamen. The stamen consists of two main parts: the filament and the anther. The anther is responsible for producing and releasing the pollen grains, which contain the plant's male gametes.

The structure in a plant that produces pollen is called the stamen. The stamen is the male reproductive organ and is a part of the flower. It consists of two main parts - the anther and the filament.

To find this information without the assistance of an AI, you can follow these steps:

1. Observe the flower: Look closely at the flower and try to identify the various parts. The stamen is usually located in the center of the flower.

2. Identify the anther: Look for a knob-like structure at the top of the stamen. This is the anther, which contains pollen grains.

3. Observe the filament: Below the anther, there is a slender stalk-like structure called the filament. It supports the anther and connects it to the rest of the flower.

4. Confirm its role: Understand that the stamen, specifically the anther, is responsible for producing pollen. Pollen is transferred from the anther to the stigma of the female reproductive organ in a process called pollination.

Remember that while the stamen is the source of pollen, the entire flower plays a crucial role in the reproductive cycle of a plant.