Many plants can reproduce both sexually and asexually. Which statement below best describes why one method might be more beneficial than the other?

1: Asexual reproduction allows plants to skip the process of finding a mate.
2: Asexual reproduction allows plants to avoid having to take care for their offspring.
3: sexual reproduction provides genetic variation to plants to help them survive in a changing environment.
4: sexual reproduction guarantees that two plants will provide nourishment for new plantlets.

3: sexual reproduction provides genetic variation to plants to help them survive in a changing environment.

The correct answer is: 3: sexual reproduction provides genetic variation to plants to help them survive in a changing environment.

Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of gametes from two parent plants, resulting in offspring with a combination of genetic traits from both parents. This genetic variation increases the chances of survival for plants in a changing environment because it allows for greater adaptability and the potential to develop advantageous traits. In contrast, asexual reproduction produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent plant, offering no variation and limiting the ability to adapt to changing conditions.

To determine the most beneficial method of reproduction for plants, let's analyze the given statements:

1: Asexual reproduction allows plants to skip the process of finding a mate.
In asexual reproduction, plants can produce offspring without the need for a mate. This allows for rapid and efficient reproduction, as there is no dependence on finding a compatible partner.

2: Asexual reproduction allows plants to avoid having to take care of their offspring.
Asexual reproduction involves the production of genetically identical offspring, known as clones. Since the offspring are genetically identical to the parent, there is no need for parental care. This can be advantageous as it saves energy and resources that would otherwise be expended in raising offspring.

3: Sexual reproduction provides genetic variation to plants to help them survive in a changing environment.
Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of gametes from two parents, resulting in offspring with a combination of genetic traits from both parents. This genetic variation is crucial for adapting to changes in the environment, as it increases the chances of having individuals that possess advantageous traits. These individuals are better equipped to withstand environmental pressures such as diseases, pests, and changing climate conditions.

4: Sexual reproduction guarantees that two plants will provide nourishment for new plantlets.
This statement is not accurate. Sexual reproduction does not guarantee that two plants will provide nourishment for new plantlets. Instead, it focuses on the exchange of genetic material between two individuals rather than providing nourishment.

Based on the given statements, option 3: sexual reproduction provides genetic variation to plants to help them survive in a changing environment, is the most accurate and best describes why sexual reproduction might be more beneficial than asexual reproduction.