Function /purposes of using QR code to know the grades:

1.Time efficient
2.easy access
3.immediate feedback
Explain each term in a short and simple way

1. Time efficient: Using QR codes to know grades saves time because it eliminates the need for manually checking and collecting grades. Students or parents can simply scan the QR code and quickly access the desired information, eliminating the need for time-consuming processes.

2. Easy access: QR codes provide a convenient and easy way to access grades. By simply scanning the code using a smartphone or other QR code scanning devices, users can easily retrieve the needed information without any hassle.

3. Immediate feedback: QR codes enable instant feedback on grades. Once the code is scanned, the information is instantly displayed, allowing students or parents to quickly see the grades and any additional comments or feedback from teachers.

4. Transparency: By using QR codes, there is an increased level of transparency in the grading system. Students and parents can directly access the grades, reducing any doubts or confusion about the accuracy or fairness of the evaluation process. This promotes transparency and provides a clear understanding of the grading system.

1. Time efficient: Using QR codes to know grades is time efficient because it eliminates the need for manual data entry or searching through multiple documents. With just a simple scan, students or parents can quickly access their grades in a matter of seconds.

2. Easy access: QR codes provide an easy way to access grades. Instead of accessing a website or logging into a system, all someone needs to do is scan the QR code using their smartphone or tablet. This makes it convenient for students or parents to check grades anytime and anywhere.

3. Immediate feedback: QR codes offer immediate feedback on grades. As soon as the QR code is scanned, the grades are visible on the screen. This allows students and parents to get instant updates on academic performance, enabling quick identification of areas that may require improvement or celebration.

4. Transparency: QR codes promote transparency in the grading process. By providing easy access to grades, it allows students and parents to stay informed and have a clear understanding of their academic progress. This transparency helps foster open communication between educators, students, and parents, leading to a more collaborative learning environment.

1. Time efficient: Using QR codes to know grades saves time because it eliminates the need for manual processes. Instead of searching through papers or waiting for information to be processed, the QR code can quickly provide the grades with just a simple scan.

2. Easy access: QR codes can be easily accessed by anyone with a smartphone or a QR code reader app. This makes it convenient for students, parents, or teachers to retrieve grades without the need for additional tools or devices.

3. Immediate feedback: QR codes allow for real-time access to grades, providing immediate feedback to students and parents. This helps in understanding the progress and performance, as it eliminates the need to wait for updates or rely on other communication channels.

4. Transparency: By using QR codes, the grades become easily accessible to all concerned parties, promoting transparency. Students can monitor their own progress, parents can stay informed, and teachers can communicate grades in a clear and open manner. This transparency can help foster accountability and better communication between all stakeholders.