According to the theory of the geodetic triangulation of the ancient Greek world, the location of temples and sanctuaries was not accidental, but created conceivable geometric formations. Various sites of ancient temples form equilateral and isosceles triangles such as the Temple of Poseidon in Sounio with the Temple of Aphaia Athena in Aegina and the Temple of Hephaestus in Thissio, next to Acropolis of Athens, which form an isosceles triangle. Or, another triangle with the temple of Apollo in Delphi and again Aphaia in Aegina and Acropolis. What is the purpose of this symmetry, what theories are reflected related to the motions of the various celestial bodies? All these interesting topics will give us food for a different and exciting journey of acquaintance with the three sanctuaries.


In conclusion, the theory of geodetic triangulation in the ancient Greek world suggests that the locations of temples and sanctuaries were deliberately chosen to create geometric formations, such as equilateral and isosceles triangles. The purpose of this symmetry is believed to be related to theories about the motions of celestial bodies. Exploring these topics can offer a unique and intriguing journey of discovery and familiarity with these ancient sanctuaries.

The purpose of the geometric formations created by the locations of ancient temples and sanctuaries, as suggested by the theory of geodetic triangulation, is believed to be related to the motions of celestial bodies. These formations, such as equilateral or isosceles triangles, were not accidental but deliberately designed to reflect certain theories or observations regarding these celestial motions.

The symmetry and alignment of these temples and sanctuaries may have been intended to symbolize and represent connections between different gods or deities associated with specific celestial bodies. It is speculated that ancient Greeks had a strong belief in the connection between divine or supernatural forces and the celestial realm. Therefore, by aligning their temples in specific geometric formations, they were attempting to showcase their understanding of these divine connections and perhaps even communicate or interact with the celestial forces.

Unfortunately, the exact theories or beliefs that these geometric formations reflected are not clearly known or documented. However, it is intriguing to ponder the significance and potential astronomical or cosmological connections that these ancient Greeks might have envisioned through these temple alignments.

The purpose of the geometric formations of temples and sanctuaries in ancient Greece was likely not solely for aesthetic reasons. It is believed that these formations were intentional and related to their understanding and observation of celestial bodies, specifically the movements of the sun, moon, and stars.

One theory that is often mentioned in relation to these geometric formations is the concept of geodetic triangulation. Geodetic triangulation is a method of surveying and mapping based on measuring the angles between different points on the Earth's surface. In ancient Greek times, this technique would have been used to determine precise locations and distances.

By creating equilateral and isosceles triangles with the temples and sanctuaries, the ancient Greeks could have been symbolically representing certain celestial relationships. For example, the alignment of the Temple of Poseidon in Sounio with the Temple of Aphaia Athena in Aegina and the Temple of Hephaestus in Thissio can be seen as representing certain celestial positions or connections.

Astrology and the worship of celestial bodies played a significant role in ancient Greek culture. The positioning of temples in geometric formations could have been a way to align with or pay homage to celestial bodies and their perceived importance.

It is important to note that these theories are speculative, as we cannot be certain about the exact intentions of the ancient Greeks in constructing these geometric formations. However, exploring these topics can lead to a fascinating journey of understanding ancient Greek culture, symbolism, and beliefs.