According to the theory of the geodetic triangulation of the ancient Greek world, the location of temples and sanctuaries was not accidental, but created conceivable geometric formations. Various sites of ancient temples form equilateral and isosceles triangles such as the Temple of Poseidon in Sounio with the Temple of Aphaia Athena in Aegina and the Temple of Hephaestus in Thissio, next to Acropolis of Athens, which form an isosceles triangle. Or, another triangle with the temple of Apollo in Delphi and again Aphaia in Aegina and Acropolis. What is the purpose of this symmetry, what theories are reflected related to the motions of the various celestial bodies? All these interesting topics will give us food for a different and exciting journey of acquaintance with the three sanctuaries.

list 3 theories on the golden triangle

1. The belief in the divine proportion: The golden triangle is based on the ratio known as the golden ratio, which is approximately 1.618. It is believed that this ratio has aesthetically pleasing properties and is associated with harmony and balance. The use of the golden triangle in the construction of temples and sanctuaries reflects the belief in the divine proportion and its connection to beauty and spirituality.

2. The association with sacred geometry: Sacred geometry is the belief that geometric patterns and proportions have a spiritual or symbolic significance. The golden triangle is considered a sacred geometric shape, representing balance, stability, and divine proportions. The use of the golden triangle in the arrangement of temples and sanctuaries could be seen as a way to align with the sacred principles of geometry and create spaces that resonate with divine energies.

3. Astronomical alignments and celestial bodies: Some theories suggest that the golden triangle in the arrangement of temples and sanctuaries may have been related to astronomical alignments. Ancient civilizations, including the Greeks, had a deep interest in observing and understanding celestial bodies. The placement of temples in certain geometric formations may have corresponded to alignments with important celestial bodies, such as the sun, moon, or specific stars. This could have been done to honor or connect with celestial deities, or to mark specific astronomical events or seasons.

The Golden Triangle, also known as the Sacred Triangle or Triangle of Enlightenment, is a concept in esoteric philosophy that refers to the interplay between three key elements: the self, the universe, and divinity. While there are several theories and interpretations surrounding the golden triangle, here are three commonly discussed theories:

1. Unity of the Three Realms Theory: This theory suggests that the three points of the golden triangle represent the three realms of existence: the physical realm, the spiritual realm, and the divine realm. The physical realm represents the material world we experience through our senses, the spiritual realm symbolizes our inner consciousness and intuitive nature, and the divine realm represents a higher power or ultimate reality. The balance and harmony between these three realms is seen as essential for personal growth and enlightenment.

2. Cosmic Harmony Theory: According to this theory, the golden triangle reflects the concept of cosmic harmony and the interconnectedness of all things in the universe. Each point of the triangle represents a different aspect of cosmic forces, such as the sun, the moon, and the earth. The equilateral nature of the triangle suggests a perfect balance between these forces and their harmonious interaction.

3. Symbol of Transformation Theory: This theory views the golden triangle as a symbol of personal transformation and spiritual evolution. The journey through the three sanctuaries or temples is seen as a metaphorical journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. As one progresses from one point of the triangle to another, they are thought to undergo transformative experiences and gain deeper insights into themselves and the nature of reality.

It is important to note that these theories are based on philosophical and metaphysical interpretations rather than scientific evidence. The golden triangle holds different meanings for different people, and these theories serve as frameworks for understanding and exploring its symbolism and significance.

The golden triangle, also known as the divine triangle or spiritual triangle, is a geometrical formation that involves three points in an equilateral or isosceles triangle. It is believed to hold significant meaning and symbolism in various cultural and spiritual contexts. Here are three theories related to the golden triangle:

1. Sacred Geometry: The first theory is based on the concept of sacred geometry, which suggests that certain geometric shapes hold inherent spiritual or divine qualities. The golden triangle, with its balanced proportions and harmonious angles, is believed to represent a perfect and harmonious union of energies. It is thought to create a sacred space or alignment that can enhance spiritual experiences and connection with higher realms.

2. Alignment with Celestial Bodies: Another theory suggests that the golden triangle was intentionally positioned to align with celestial bodies such as the sun, moon, and stars. Ancient cultures, including the Greeks, had a deep fascination with astronomy and believed in the interconnectedness of earthly and celestial realms. By aligning temples in a golden triangle formation, they may have sought to honor and align themselves with the movements and energies of celestial bodies, which were considered divine.

3. Symbolic Representation: The third theory proposes that the golden triangle represents a symbolic metaphor or representation of certain key concepts or deities in a particular belief system. The specific choice to create a golden triangle with certain temples and sanctuaries may have been influenced by the attributes or relationships associated with the deities connected to those locations. The equilateral or isosceles triangle formation could be seen as a visual representation of the divine harmony, balance, or connection between these deities.

It is important to note that these theories are speculative and interpretations may differ depending on cultural, historical, and spiritual perspectives. The purpose and significance of the golden triangle may vary based on the specific context and beliefs of the culture or civilization involved.