Analyze the migration occurring in Myanmar. The Rohingya are experiencing what type of factor?(1 point)


environmental push factor
environmental push factor

economic push factor
economic push factor

social push factor
social push factor

political push factor

political push factor

The Rohingya in Myanmar are primarily experiencing social and political push factors. These factors include discrimination and persecution based on their ethnic and religious background, as well as the denial of basic rights and citizenship by the Myanmar government. The Rohingya have been subjected to violence and forced displacement, leading many to flee their homes and seek refuge in neighboring countries. While economic and environmental factors may also play a role in migration dynamics, the main drivers in the case of the Rohingya are social and political factors.

To analyze the migration occurring in Myanmar specifically for the Rohingya, we must understand the factors that drive their movement. The Rohingya people, who are predominantly Muslim and reside in Myanmar's Rakhine State, have been experiencing a complex and multi-faceted set of factors leading to their migration. These factors can be classified into various categories such as economic, social, political, and environmental.

1) Economic Push Factor: Economic push factors refer to the conditions or circumstances that compel individuals or communities to migrate due to inadequate economic opportunities or resources. In the case of the Rohingya, economic push factors may include poverty, limited access to education, unemployment, and lack of economic opportunities. These conditions may push them to seek better economic prospects in other areas or countries.

2) Social Push Factor: Social push factors are related to societal or community-driven circumstances that drive migration. For the Rohingya, social push factors may include violence, discrimination, persecution, and marginalization by the majority Buddhist population in Myanmar. This discrimination and mistreatment can result in a sense of insecurity and the need to find safety and acceptance elsewhere.

3) Political Push Factor: Political push factors refer to the impact of political instability, conflict, or oppression that can prompt individuals or communities to migrate. In the case of the Rohingya, political push factors are significant contributors to their migration. They have faced systematic discrimination, citizenship issues, and state-sponsored violence, which are among the main reasons for their forced displacement. The Myanmar government's discriminatory policies, such as denying them citizenship and restricting their basic rights, have created an environment that pushes the Rohingya to flee their homes.

4) Environmental Push Factor: Environmental push factors are linked to natural disasters, environmental degradation, or climate change, which can force people to leave their homes. While environmental factors may not be the main driver of the Rohingya migration, it is worth noting that their homeland in Rakhine State is susceptible to flooding and other ecological challenges. These factors, coupled with the other push factors mentioned above, can contribute to the decision to leave their homes.

Understanding these different types of factors helps us to grasp the complex situation faced by the Rohingya and why they are compelled to migrate. It is important to note that the Rohingya crisis involves a combination of these factors, making it a deeply rooted and multifaceted issue.