Identify the sentence that contains an error in punctuation or capitalization.

(1 point)

In English class we are studying the poem, “The Raven.”
In English class we are studying the poem, “The Raven.”

“Who has memorized the poem?” asked Ms. Pierce.
“Who has memorized the poem?” asked Ms. Pierce.

“Memorized it?” asked Rita. “I didn’t know we were supposed t

“Memorized it?” asked Rita. “I didn’t know we were supposed t

The sentence "“Memorized it?” asked Rita. “I didn’t know we were supposed t" contains an error in punctuation.

The error in punctuation or capitalization is in the sentence: "“Memorized it?” asked Rita. “I didn’t know we were supposed t". The letter 't' at the end of the sentence should be capitalized to begin a new sentence, like this: "“Memorized it?” asked Rita. “I didn’t know we were supposed T".