The Thunderbolts played the Firecrackers in a soccer game. The Thunderbolts scored 8 goals. The Firecrackers scored 2 more goals than the Thunderbolts.

Which equation can you use to find how many goals the Firecrackers scored?

8 x 2=

Let F represent the number of goals the Firecrackers scored. The equation that can be used to find how many goals the Firecrackers scored is F = 8 + 2.

To find out how many goals the Firecrackers scored, you can use the equation:

Firecrackers' goals = Thunderbolts' goals + 2

So, the equation would be:

Firecrackers' goals = 8 + 2

This would give you the total number of goals the Firecrackers scored.

To find out how many goals the Firecrackers scored, we need to set up an equation. We know that the Thunderbolts scored 8 goals, and the Firecrackers scored 2 more goals than the Thunderbolts.

So, we can represent the number of goals the Firecrackers scored as "x," and the equation would be:

x = 8 + 2

This equation states that the goals the Firecrackers scored (x) is equal to the goals scored by the Thunderbolts (8) plus 2.

Therefore, the correct equation to find how many goals the Firecrackers scored is:

x = 8 + 2