Siddhartha realized suffering existed so he...

ignored it and went back to the palace

went out to seek the truth on how to end it

asked his father what he should do

left the palace to become a doctor

went out to seek the truth on how to end it

Siddhartha realized suffering existed, so he made the decision to go out and seek the truth on how to end it. He left the palace on a journey in search of enlightenment and to understand the nature of suffering.

Siddhartha realized that suffering existed, and he chose to go out and seek the truth on how to end it.

To arrive at this answer, we can refer to the story of Siddhartha, who is also known as Gautama Buddha. Siddhartha was a prince who lived a life of luxury and privilege within the walls of his palace. However, one day he ventured out beyond the palace walls and encountered the harsh realities of life, such as old age, sickness, and death. These experiences made Siddhartha deeply aware of the existence of suffering in the world.

In response to this realization, Siddhartha made the decision to leave his comfortable life behind and embark on a spiritual journey to seek the truth and attain spiritual enlightenment. He left the palace, renounced his princely status, and became a wandering ascetic. Through years of meditation and intense spiritual practice, Siddhartha finally attained enlightenment and became the Buddha, the awakened one.

Thus, the correct answer is that Siddhartha went out to seek the truth on how to end suffering.