The answer to Canada's 3 economic questions of (1) what to produce (2) how to produce and (3) for whom to produce is decided by which 2 of the following groups? Select yes or no. (1 point)

parliament Yes - No
individuals Yes - No
government officials Yes - No -
corporations Yes -No

parliament: Yes

individuals: No
government officials: Yes
corporations: No

The answer to Canada's 3 economic questions is decided by the following groups:

1. Parliament: Yes
2. Individuals: Yes
3. Government officials: Yes
4. Corporations: Yes

The answer to Canada's economic questions of what to produce, how to produce, and for whom to produce is influenced by two of the following groups: individuals and government officials.

Individuals play a role in determining what to produce through their consumer choices. The demand for goods and services from individuals helps to shape the production decisions made by businesses and industries. For example, if individuals show a preference for electric cars, businesses may invest in producing more electric cars to meet the demand.

Government officials, on the other hand, have the authority to influence economic decisions through policies and regulations. They can set guidelines for businesses regarding how to produce certain goods or services, and they can also implement measures to address the needs of specific groups of individuals. For instance, the government may choose to subsidize healthcare services to ensure access for all Canadians.

As for the other two options, while both parliament and corporations have some influence on the economy, they don't directly determine the answers to Canada's economic questions. Parliament is the legislative body in Canada that makes laws, but its role is to create a framework for economic activities rather than making specific production decisions. Corporations have a role in producing goods or services, but their decisions are ultimately shaped by consumer demand and government policies.

Therefore, the correct answer is individuals and government officials.