ames Oglethorpe recruited the Highland Scots to establish a settlement on the Altamaha River. Which reason for colonization, described in the Charter of 1732 is this an example of?






Based on the information provided, the recruitment of the Highland Scots by James Oglethorpe to establish a settlement on the Altamaha River can be seen as an example of the philanthropic reason for colonization, as described in the Charter of 1732.

To determine the reason for colonization described in the Charter of 1732, we need to consider the historical context and motivations of James Oglethorpe. The Charter of 1732 is referring to the establishment of the Georgia colony, which was founded as a British colony in North America.

In this case, James Oglethorpe recruiting the Highland Scots to establish a settlement on the Altamaha River aligns with the reason for colonization described in the Charter.

The primary reason for the establishment of the Georgia colony was philanthropic in nature. The Charter of 1732 explicitly states that the purpose of the colony was to provide a haven for individuals who were facing economic hardship, debt, and persecution in Britain. These individuals included debtors, the poor, and persecuted Protestants.

As part of his philanthropic mission, Oglethorpe sought to create a colony where these individuals could have an opportunity to start anew and improve their lives. By recruiting the Highland Scots, who were often impoverished and facing economic difficulties, Oglethorpe was fulfilling this objective outlined in the Charter.

Therefore, the example of Oglethorpe recruiting the Highland Scots to establish a settlement on the Altamaha River is an example of the philanthropic reason for colonization as described in the Charter of 1732.