An image showing a friendly man, of South Asian descent, in the process of making lemonade at an outdoor fair. He is surrounded by a table of supplies, with five bags of lemons making the main focus. The price tag of $19.75 is visibly attached to the collective bags of lemons. Please compose this image so it fits a style fitting of an educational textbook, with an abstract reference to math concepts subtly incorporated into the artwork. The image should have a bright and pleasant aesthetic but should contain no text.

Julio is making lemonade to be sold at a fair. He bought 5 bags of lemons for $19.75. Complete the equation that models the cost, c, of each bag of lemons. (1 point)

____c = _____

c = 19.75/5

To complete the equation that models the cost of each bag of lemons, we need to determine the cost per bag.

Since Julio bought 5 bags of lemons for a total cost of $19.75, we can divide the total cost by the number of bags to find the cost per bag.

Therefore, the equation that models the cost, c, of each bag of lemons is:

c = 19.75 / 5

Simplifying this equation gives:

c = 3.95

So, the completed equation is:

c = 3.95

The equation that models the cost, c, of each bag of lemons is:

c = 19.75 / 5