How does the nervous system influence the respiratory system?(1 point)


It stimulates defense against pathogens.
It stimulates defense against pathogens.

It regulates blood pressure.
It regulates blood pressure.

It controls muscle contraction.
It controls muscle contraction.

It regulates urine output.

It controls muscle contraction.

The nervous system influences the respiratory system in several ways. One point is that it controls muscle contraction.

The correct choice is: It controls muscle contraction.

The nervous system plays a crucial role in controlling various bodily functions, including the respiratory system. Specifically, the muscles involved in respiration, such as the diaphragm and intercostal muscles, are under the control of the nervous system. When you inhale, these muscles contract, expanding the volume of the chest cavity and allowing air to enter the lungs. When you exhale, these muscles relax, reducing the volume of the chest cavity and causing air to be expelled from the lungs.

The nervous system regulates and coordinates the timing and strength of these muscle contractions to ensure proper breathing. This process is controlled by a region in the brain called the medulla oblongata, which receives information from various sensors, such as those in the lungs and blood vessels, to determine the appropriate respiratory rate and depth. The nervous system also integrates inputs from other body systems, such as the cardiovascular system, to adjust breathing accordingly.

Therefore, the nervous system influences the respiratory system by controlling the muscle contractions involved in breathing.