Which of the following is a correct conditional statement based on the Venn Diagram below

(1 point)
A rectangle can be a parallelogram
If a shape is a rectangle, then it is a parallelogram
All rectangles are parallelograms
If a shape is a parallelogram, then it is a rectangle

If a shape is a rectangle, then it is a parallelogram.

Based on the information provided, the correct conditional statement based on the Venn Diagram is:

If a shape is a rectangle, then it is a parallelogram.

To determine which of the statements is a correct conditional statement based on the Venn Diagram, we need to understand the relationships between the two shapes mentioned: rectangles and parallelograms.

A conditional statement consists of two parts: the hypothesis and the conclusion. The hypothesis is the "if" part, and the conclusion is the "then" part.

Looking at the Venn Diagram, we see that the rectangle shape is entirely contained within the parallelogram shape. This indicates that every rectangle is a parallelogram, but not every parallelogram is a rectangle.

Now, let's analyze the given statements:

A) "A rectangle can be a parallelogram."
This is a vague statement and does not form a proper conditional statement. It simply suggests that a rectangle has the ability to be a parallelogram without specifying any relationship between the two shapes.

B) "If a shape is a rectangle, then it is a parallelogram."
This statement correctly forms a conditional statement. The hypothesis is "If a shape is a rectangle," and the conclusion is "then it is a parallelogram." It correctly represents the relationship between rectangles and parallelograms as shown in the Venn Diagram.

C) "All rectangles are parallelograms."
This statement is a categorical statement and does not form a conditional statement. It states that every rectangle is a parallelogram, which aligns with the information displayed in the Venn Diagram.

D) "If a shape is a parallelogram, then it is a rectangle."
This statement is not accurate based on the Venn Diagram. As mentioned earlier, not every parallelogram is a rectangle (only the ones inside the rectangle shape). Therefore, this statement does not represent the correct relationship between the shapes.

In conclusion, the correct conditional statement based on the Venn Diagram is:

B) "If a shape is a rectangle, then it is a parallelogram."