Analyze the migration occurring in Myanmar. The Rohingya are experiencing what type of factor?(1 point) Responses

economic push factor economic push factor

social push factor social push factor

political push factor political push factor

environmental push factor

political push factor

The Rohingya are primarily experiencing a social push factor in Myanmar.

To analyze the migration occurring in Myanmar and determine the factors affecting the Rohingya, we need to understand the different types of push factors. Push factors are conditions or circumstances that compel people to leave their homes and migrate to another place.

1. Economic push factor: This refers to factors related to a lack of economic opportunities or financial stability in the region. People may be forced to migrate in search of better job prospects, higher wages, or improved living conditions.

2. Social push factor: Social factors are related to the societal conditions and circumstances that motivate people to leave. This could include discrimination, persecution, or social unrest. It is important to note that social push factors are often intertwined with political factors.

3. Political push factor: This refers to political conditions that influence people to leave their homeland. This can include political instability, lack of human rights, or persecution by the government or dominant group. Political push factors often overlap with social factors in situations where marginalized groups face persecution.

4. Environmental push factor: Environmental factors are related to the physical environment, such as natural disasters, climate change, or ecological challenges. These factors can make the region uninhabitable or increase the risks to individuals' livelihoods, forcing them to seek refuge elsewhere.

With this understanding, looking specifically at the Rohingya people in Myanmar, they are primarily experiencing a combination of social and political push factors. The Rohingya have faced persecution, discrimination, and violence due to their ethnicity and religion in Myanmar. The government's policies and actions have contributed to their forced displacement. Therefore, the migration of the Rohingya can primarily be attributed to social and political push factors.