Analyze the migration occurring in Myanmar. The Rohingya are experiencing what type of factor?(1 point) Responses social push factor social push factor environmental push factor environmental push factor economic push factor economic push factor political push factor

The Rohingya are experiencing a political push factor. This is because they have been forced to leave Myanmar due to persecution, discrimination, and violence perpetrated by the government and the military.

The Rohingya in Myanmar are experiencing a political push factor.

To analyze the migration occurring in Myanmar, specifically in relation to the Rohingya, we need to understand the different types of factors that can influence migration. These factors can help provide insights into the reasons behind the Rohingya's movement.

1. Social push factor: Social factors are related to the individual or group's social circumstances that may drive them to leave their homes. For the Rohingya, they are experiencing persecution and discrimination based on their ethnicity, religion, and social identity. The ongoing conflict and violence in Myanmar have created an atmosphere of fear and insecurity, which can be considered social push factors for their migration.

2. Environmental push factor: Environmental factors are related to natural disasters or ecological conditions that compel people to leave their homes. While environmental push factors may not be the primary driver of the Rohingya migration, it is important to note that they live in an area prone to flooding and other climate-related hazards. Environmental degradation and lack of resources due to overpopulation add to their vulnerability and may contribute to their decision to leave their homes.

3. Economic push factor: Economic factors are related to the lack of economic opportunities in one's homeland, which may prompt individuals or groups to seek better prospects elsewhere. The Rohingya face severe economic marginalization in Myanmar, with limited access to education, healthcare, employment, and land ownership. The dire economic conditions they face may push them to migrate in search of better livelihoods for themselves and their families.

4. Political push factor: Political factors involve political instability, human rights violations, and persecution that drive people to flee their countries. For the Rohingya, the Myanmar government has long denied their citizenship rights, resulting in systematic discrimination, restrictions on movement, and violent attacks by security forces. The political exclusion and violence they face can be seen as significant push factors for their migration.

Considering the aforementioned factors, the Rohingya are primarily experiencing social and political push factors, given the persecution, discrimination, and violence they face based on their ethnicity and the political situation in Myanmar. However, it is essential to note that economic and environmental push factors also contribute to their decision to leave their homes.