Which word phrase can you use to represent the algebraic expression 6y? (1 point) Responses 6 less than a number y 6 less than a number y the sum of 6 and a number y the sum of 6 and a number y the product of 6 and a number y the product of 6 and a number y the quotient of a number y and 6

the product of 6 and a number y

The word phrase that can be used to represent the algebraic expression 6y is "the product of 6 and a number y."

The word phrase that can be used to represent the algebraic expression 6y is "the product of 6 and a number y."

To arrive at this answer, let's break down the components of the algebraic expression:

- The number 6 represents a constant.
- The variable y represents an unknown quantity or number.

The term "product" refers to multiplication, and in this case, we are multiplying 6 by y. Therefore, the word phrase "the product of 6 and a number y" accurately represents the algebraic expression 6y.