In three sentences, state one important way people change the environment. List both the positive and negative impacts of that change on natural environment. Explain both types of impact.(4 points)

One important way people change the environment is through deforestation. The positive impact of deforestation is the creation of land for agriculture, housing, or industries. However, the negative impact includes the loss of biodiversity, increased carbon dioxide emissions, and soil erosion, which disrupts the delicate balance of ecosystems and contributes to climate change.

One important way people change the environment is by deforestation, which involves clearing large areas of forests for human activities such as logging and agriculture. The positive impact of deforestation includes creating land for farming and economic development. However, the negative impacts are widespread, including loss of biodiversity, disruption of ecosystem functions, and contributing to climate change through the release of carbon dioxide from the cleared trees.

One important way people change the environment is through deforestation. The positive impact of deforestation can be seen in the creation of agricultural land and increased economic activity. However, the negative impacts include habitat destruction, loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, and increased greenhouse gas emissions, which can further contribute to climate change.