In three to five sentences, state one important way people change the environment. List both the positive and negative impacts of that change on natural environment. Explain both types of impact.(4 points)

can you put it in a simple way

One important way people change the environment is by deforestation. This involves cutting down trees to make space for agriculture, urban development, or logging. The positive impact of deforestation is that it allows for economic growth and development, providing resources for human needs. However, it also has negative impacts on the natural environment as it leads to habitat destruction, loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, and climate change due to the decrease in carbon sequestration.

One important way people change the environment is through deforestation. Positive impacts include creating space for agriculture, housing, and infrastructure development. However, deforestation also has negative impacts, such as habitat loss, reduced biodiversity, and increased greenhouse gas emissions. It is important to balance the benefits and consequences of deforestation to ensure the preservation of the natural environment.

One important way people change the environment is through deforestation. Positive impacts of deforestation include creating more land for buildings and agriculture, and providing resources such as timber for construction. However, the negative impacts are significant. Deforestation destroys habitats, threatens biodiversity, contributes to climate change by releasing stored carbon dioxide, and disrupts the water cycle, leading to droughts and floods. It is important to find a balance between human needs and environmental preservation to minimize the negative impacts of deforestation.