which organism can reproduce both sexually and asexually

sandhill crane

Protist is the organism that can reproduce both sexually and asexually.

The organism that can reproduce both sexually and asexually is the protist.

The organism that can reproduce both sexually and asexually is a protist.

To arrive at this answer, let's go through the options one by one:

1. Sandhill crane: Sandhill cranes are birds, and like most birds, they reproduce solely thual reproduction. They mate with a partner, lay eggs, and the offspring hatch from the eggs.

2. Protist: Protists are a diverse group of eukaryotic microorganisms that can reproduce both sexually and asexually. They can undergo sexual reproduction, where two individuals (usually of different mating types) exchange genetic material to produce offspring. They can also reproduce asexually through processes like binary fission, where one individual splits into two identical offspring.

3. Starfish: Starfish, or sea stars, reproduce sexually. They release sperm and eggs into the water, where fertilization occurs externally. The resulting offspring go through a larval stage before maturing into adult starfish.

4. Dog: Dogs, like most mammals, exclusively reproduce thual reproduction. They have male and female individuals that engage in mating, leading to the fertilization of eggs and the birth of live offspring.

Therefore, the correct answer is "protist" because this group of microorganisms can reproduce both sexually and asexually.