What step in the process shown in the illustration must come before the bank pays interest

The step that must come before the bank pays interest is the customer depositing money into the bank.

To determine which step in the process shown in the illustration must come before the bank pays interest, I would need to see the specific illustration or have more information about the process. Without this information, I cannot provide a specific answer. Please provide more details or attach the illustration so that I can assist you further.

To determine which step in the process shown in the illustration must come before the bank pays interest, we need to analyze the illustration and identify the relevant stages involved in the process.

1. Identify the illustration: First, carefully observe the illustration provided and determine what it is depicting. Make note of any labels, symbols, or elements that could indicate the steps in the process.

2. Analyze the process: Examine the various components or stages within the illustration to understand the sequence of events. Look for any arrows, connecting lines, or numbers to indicate the flow of the process.

3. Look for relevant information: Pay close attention to any labels, captions, or accompanying text within the illustration. These details may provide helpful information about the process steps or the specific question being asked.

4. Determine the step before interest payment: Based on the information gathered from the illustration, identify the step that logically comes before the bank pays interest. Some common steps that precede interest payment in a typical banking process could include account setup, depositing funds, or a specific waiting period.

Remember, in order to provide a more accurate answer, it would greatly assist me if you were able to provide the specific illustration or additional details about the process being depicted.