What is the quotient of 4, point, 6, 5, 3, times, 10, to the power 7 4.653×10

and 7, point, 0, 5, times, 10, cubed7.05×10
expressed in scientific notation?

To find the quotient of 4.653×10^7 and 7.05×10^3, we divide the two numbers and adjust the exponents accordingly.

Dividing 4.653 by 7.05, we get 0.6590070921985816.

Now, to adjust the exponents, we subtract the exponent of 10^3 from the exponent of 10^7:
7 - 3 = 4.

Therefore, the quotient of 4.653×10^7 and 7.05×10^3 in scientific notation is approximately 0.659×10^4.

To find the quotient, we divide the two numbers in scientific notation.

The first number is 4.653×10^7 and the second number is 7.05×10^3.

We divide the coefficient of the first number by the coefficient of the second number:

4.653 ÷ 7.05 = 0.659767

Then, we subtract the exponent of the second number from the exponent of the first number:

(10^7) ÷ (10^3) = 10^(7-3) = 10^4

Putting it all together, the quotient expressed in scientific notation is:

0.659767 × 10^4

To find the quotient of two numbers expressed in scientific notation, you need to divide the decimal parts and subtract the exponents.

Let's break down the given numbers:

First number: 4.653×10^7
- Decimal part: 4.653
- Exponent: 7

Second number: 7.05×10^3
- Decimal part: 7.05
- Exponent: 3

To find the quotient of the decimal parts, divide 4.653 by 7.05:
4.653 / 7.05 = 0.65957447

To find the quotient of the exponents, subtract 7 (exponent of the first number) by 3 (exponent of the second number):
7 - 3 = 4

Combining these results, the quotient in scientific notation is:
0.65957447 × 10^4