Read the excerpt from The Odyssey.

The servants armed themselves, and all three took their stand beside the master of battle.

Which theme do these lines support?

Loyalty and fidelity are honorable traits.
Too much pride can get one into trouble.
Good leaders take responsibility for their actions.
Love and family make a homecoming worthwhile.

The theme supported by these lines is loyalty and fidelity are honorable traits.

The theme supported by these lines is "Loyalty and fidelity are honorable traits".

To determine which theme these lines support, let's analyze the information provided in the excerpt. In the given lines, the servants arm themselves and stand beside the "master of battle." This suggests their loyalty and support for their leader during a time of conflict or challenge. Therefore, the theme that these lines support is "Loyalty and fidelity are honorable traits."

To arrive at this answer, I closely examined the actions of the servants who armed themselves and stood alongside their leader. By understanding the context and implications of their actions, I concluded that their behavior demonstrates loyalty and fidelity, which are indeed honorable traits.