george states that lennie is going to have trouble with

a.the boss
b.curleys wife

what does lennie do when he and george meet the boss
b.does what he was told and stands there
c.hands him a mouse

b.does what he was told and stands there

Based on the information provided, George states that Lennie is going to have trouble with the boss, Curley's wife, Curley, and Crooks.

When Lennie and George meet the boss, Lennie does what he was told and stands there (option b).

To answer the question, we need to refer to the text or source material where the encounter between Lennie and the boss takes place. If you're referring to the novel "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck, you can find the answer in Chapter 2.

In this chapter, Lennie and George meet the boss at the ranch where they are looking for work. When Lennie and George enter the boss's office, Lennie does not speak or faint. Therefore, options a and d can be eliminated.

Option c, "hands him a mouse," is also incorrect. Lennie has a habit of carrying and petting small mice, but he does not hand one to the boss during their meeting.

The correct answer is option b: "does what he was told and stands there." Lennie is often instructed by George on what to say and do, and in this instance, George specifically tells Lennie to remain silent and let him do the talking.

To find the answer, you can refer to Chapter 2 of the book "Of Mice and Men" or any reliable source that provides a summary or analysis of the novel.