Which sentence includes an infinitive phrase?(1 point)


My brother went to the Grand Canyon last year.
My brother went to the Grand Canyon last year.

I dream about traveling to Mars one day.
I dream about traveling to Mars one day.

We would like to throw a surprise party for our cousin.
We would like to throw a surprise party for our cousin.

The class went to the museum for their final field trip.

We would like to throw a surprise party for our cousin.

The sentence "I dream about traveling to Mars one day." includes an infinitive phrase.

The sentence that includes an infinitive phrase is: "I dream about traveling to Mars one day."

To identify the infinitive phrase in the sentence, look for the word "to" followed by a verb. In this case, the infinitive phrase is "to travel." The word "travel" is the bare infinitive form of the verb, and "to" acts as a marker for the infinitive. The complete infinitive phrase is "to travel to Mars."