Which sentence displays proper subject-verb agreement?(1 point)


The people in line takes life jackets when boarding the boat.
The people in line takes life jackets when boarding the boat.

Few people know how to water ski.
Few people know how to water ski.

All of the musicians is invited to perform for the talent show.
All of the musicians is invited to perform for the talent show.

One of her friends bring gifts for Harper's party.

Few people know how to water ski.

The sentence "Few people know how to water ski." displays proper subject-verb agreement.

The sentence that displays proper subject-verb agreement is:

Few people know how to water ski.

To determine if a sentence has proper subject-verb agreement, you need to make sure that the subject and verb agree in terms of number. In this case, "few people" is the subject, and "know" is the verb. Since "few people" is plural, the verb should also be plural, which is correctly shown as "know".