
What is a fief?

good luck

healthy life


land for loyalty
When did the middle ages start?

Viking invasions


rise of Charlemagne

Fall of Rome
Who was on the lowest rung of the medieval social pyramid?




When did the Middle ages end?

Arrival of Vikings

Fall of Rome


Rise of Charlemagne

1. A fief is a piece of land that is granted by a lord in exchange for loyalty and service.

2. The Middle Ages started after the Fall of Rome.

3. The serfs were on the lowest rung of the medieval social pyramid.

4. The Middle Ages ended with the Renaissance.

1. A fief is a piece of land that is granted to a vassal by a lord or monarch in exchange for their loyalty and service.

2. The Middle Ages started with the Fall of Rome in 476 AD.

3. The serfs were on the lowest rung of the medieval social pyramid. They were tied to the land and were obligated to provide labor and other services to the lord in exchange for protection and the right to live on the land.

4. The Middle Ages ended with the arrival of the Renaissance, which began in the 14th century and brought about significant cultural and intellectual changes.

1. A fief is a term used to describe a piece of land or a territory that was granted to a noble or vassal in exchange for their loyalty and military service to a lord or king. To find more information about a fief, you can search for "What is a fief?" on reliable websites like Britannica or History.com. These sources will provide detailed explanations and historical context about fiefs.

2. The Middle Ages is a time period that is commonly believed to have started with the fall of the Roman Empire. To find out when the Middle Ages started, you can search for "When did the Middle Ages start?" on trustworthy websites such as Encyclopedia Britannica or history.com. These sources will give you a comprehensive explanation of the events that marked the beginning of the Middle Ages, such as the Fall of Rome and the Viking invasions.

3. The lowest rung of the medieval social pyramid was occupied by serfs. Serfs were peasants who were bound to the land they worked on and were under the control of a lord or noble. To learn more about the social hierarchy in the Middle Ages and the position of serfs, you can search for "Medieval social pyramid" or "Who was at the bottom of the medieval social hierarchy?" on reliable online sources like Khan Academy or history.com. These sources will explain the structure of the medieval social system and the role of serfs within it.

4. The end of the Middle Ages is often associated with the arrival of the Renaissance, a period of cultural and intellectual growth that emerged in the 14th century. To find out when the Middle Ages ended, you can search for "When did the Middle Ages end?" on reputable websites like Encyclopedia Britannica or history.com. These sources will provide you with information about the events and factors that led to the end of the Middle Ages, such as the Renaissance and the rise of humanism.