draw = function() {

background(165, 219, 162);
fill(255, 254, 222);
rect(20, 100, 364, 200);

fill(0, 0, 0);
text("What programming language is this?", 39, 200);
if (mouseIsPressed){
} else{
text("What programming language is this?",200,200);
I want to have "JavaScript" displayed only when I press the mousepad. how do I do that

To only display "JavaScript" when the mousepad is pressed, you need to modify the code inside the `draw` function. Here's an updated code:

draw = function() {
background(165, 219, 162);
fill(255, 254, 222);
rect(20, 100, 364, 200);

fill(0, 0, 0);
text("What programming language is this?", 39, 200);

if (mouseIsPressed) {
fill(0, 0, 0);
text("JavaScript", 200, 200);

With this code, the text "JavaScript" will be displayed at the position (200, 200) only when the mousepad is pressed.

To display "JavaScript" only when the mousepad is pressed, you can modify the code inside the `draw()` function as follows:

draw = function() {
background(165, 219, 162);
fill(255, 254, 222);
rect(20, 100, 364, 200);

fill(0, 0, 0);
if (mouseIsPressed) {
text("JavaScript", 200, 200);
} else {
text("What programming language is this?", 200, 200);

In the updated code, the line `text("JavaScript", 200, 200);` is placed inside the `if (mouseIsPressed)` condition. This means that the text will only be displayed when the `mouseIsPressed` function returns `true`. Otherwise, the original text "What programming language is this?" will be displayed.

To display "JavaScript" only when the mouse is pressed, you can modify your code as follows:

draw = function() {
background(165, 219, 162);
fill(255, 254, 222);
rect(20, 100, 364, 200);

fill(0, 0, 0);
text("What programming language is this?", 39, 200);
if (mouseIsPressed){

In the code above, we added an `if` statement to check if the mouse is being pressed (`mouseIsPressed`), and if so, we display the text "JavaScript" at the position (200, 200) using the `text()` function.

Now, when you run this code, the text "What programming language is this?" will be displayed by default, and when you press the mouse, it will change to "JavaScript".