which phrases descibes one purpose of headings in an imformational text?

- Organizing and structuring the information

- Providing a clear overview of the topics covered in the text
- Guiding readers' attention to specific sections or key points
- Enhancing readability and navigation within the text

One purpose of headings in an informational text is to provide a clear structure and organization to the content.

One purpose of headings in an informational text is to provide a clear structure and organization. Headings help readers navigate through the text and understand the main points and subtopics of the content. They serve as signposts that allow readers to quickly locate the information they are looking for. To identify the purpose of headings in an informational text, you can look for cues like bold or larger font, different indentation, or use of phrases like "Introduction," "Main Points," "Conclusion," or specific topic headings. Additionally, examining the content under each heading can give you an idea of how the text is organized and what information is presented under each section.