Convert the fraction 17/50 into a decimal, and edit the repeating and/or non-repeating part of the decimal.

To convert the fraction 17/50 into a decimal, you can divide 17 by 50 using long division or a calculator.

17 ÷ 50 = 0.34

The decimal form of 17/50 is 0.34. In this case, the decimal does not have any repeating digits, so there is no need to edit any repeating or non-repeating part.

To convert the fraction 17/50 into a decimal, you divide the numerator (17) by the denominator (50).

17 ÷ 50 = 0.34

Therefore, 17/50 as a decimal is 0.34. There is no repeating or non-repeating part in this decimal.

To convert a fraction into a decimal, you need to divide the numerator (the top number) by the denominator (the bottom number).

To convert the fraction 17/50 into a decimal, divide 17 by 50:

17 ÷ 50 = 0.34

Now let's analyze the decimal. In this case, 0.34 is a terminating decimal because it ends after the 4. There is no repeating or non-repeating part in this decimal.

However, if you encounter a repeating decimal, it means that a pattern of digits repeats endlessly after a certain point. For example, if you had 1/3, the decimal representation would be 0.333... with the digit 3 repeating infinitely.

To identify the repeating part of a decimal, you can follow these steps:

1. If the decimal terminates and does not repeat, there is no repeating or non-repeating part.
2. If the decimal terminates but has a non-zero digit before the repeating part, you can consider the entire decimal as non-repeating.
3. If the decimal does not terminate, you need to look for a pattern in the digits after the decimal point. This pattern is the repeating part.

Remember that representing fractions as decimals might result in either terminating or repeating decimals.